
Miss Hadija Hassan, mentor and social entrepreneur

In the center of transformational changes, women and girls empowerment in leadership is most important and worthy taking and of everyone, we need to Leave No One Behind.

"Msichana ni dada yako, mama yako, mwenza wako. Usimdhalilishe"

Miss Catherine Fidelis, a young Tanzania, feminist activist, and a dreamer of bright future for girls and women

Mr Novertus Modest Severine, Head Teache and Founder of Severina School

During my studies I was facing a lot of challenges including lack of school fees and other basic needs, this gave me very hard time to achieve my life dreams, but now I will achieve it by helping children in my village to get better and quality education.

Aya Chebbi, A Super Girl of the Month

Aya's story is that of a bold and daring super girl, with a rare zeal for undiluted activism.

Sustainable Development will not be sustainable untill there is sustainalbe goals

The young generation will be a torch bearers of of the next sustainalbe devenoment agenda - Ban Ki-Moon

The Future We Want relay much on how we involve youth in decision making

We are calling for ambitious goals to ensure healthy lives and promote well being at all ages

Monday, 9 November 2015

Africa's problems needs African solutions

Africa is the second largest continent in the world with population of more than 1.166 billion people of which more than 65% of this population are youth. Africa still face lot of challenges  include high rate of youth unemployment, HIV and AIDS, Extreme Poverty, Malnutrition, civil and political conflicts and many more which makes it among least developed continents in the world.
Empowering youth to take the lead in matters affecting them is among the best sustainable solution to many of these problems. 
By realizing this few youth came together to form African Youth Union a Pan-African Youth lead organization with the vision of making African Youth active and productive citizens who can contribute to a unified, peaceful and prosperous Africa. 

Recently the Union held its 4th Annual summit at Makerere University in Uganda which was attended by youth from different African Regions. Among thing discussed is how African youth and women can positively contribute to the  strong regional integration for sustainable African economic development. Youth participated in this summit agreed that "African Problems needs African Solutions" particularly solutions which come from youth since they have power and talents which is vital for both social, political and economic growth.

The summit ended by announcing new leadership of the organization in which Stephen Machua was announced as African Youth Union President, Olauluwa Abagun as a Vice President representing West Africa Region, Sarah-Leigh Elago as a Vice president representing Southern Africa Region and Julius Kessy as a Vice President representing Eastern Africa Region.

Youth Post join all African to congratulate these young and energetic youth whose vision is to transform Africa into a best place for every human being to leave and change the narratives which define Africa as a dark continent.

Summit in pictorial
Youth participants during African Youth Union 4th annual summit
President of AYU Mr. Stephen Machua (right) with participants
Young energetic youth ready to re-brand African narratives in the eyes of the world
Summit on Twits.