
Sunday 20 September 2015

World will be a peaceful place if only People and the Planet will be treated equally

Today is a International Day of Peace where world come together to remember, celebrate and call for Seize Fire to all parties which are in conflict.
2015 does not only mark the 31 anniversary since the International Day of Peace was officiated by the United National General Assembly, but also fall under the arm of United Nations in its 70th anniversary. This year world leaders will meet from 25th September 2015 to adopt New Development Framework under Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and a way forward after Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) which are going to expire this year. Youth Post in partnership with One Action Tanzania want to use this opportunity not only to celebrate the number of years since UN was formed or since IDP was officiated, but also to call the world community to make sure that whatever action they take if #ForPeopleandThePlanet.
We call individuals, private companies and government leaders to to join this campaign aiming at making world a better and safe place for all all living things.
Happy International Day of Peace #PeaceDay #IDP2015.


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